"Weight Loss: Researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro studying the impact of fruit intake on weight loss found that overweight women who ate just 300 grams of apples or pears – that's the equivalent of three small fruits a day – lost more weight on a low-calorie diet than women who didn't add fruit to their diet. In addition, the fruit eaters ate fewer calories overall, boosting their weight loss efforts. Researchers suggested several theories as to why apple and pear consumption may promote weight loss.
First, fruits like apples and pears are "low energy-density" foods – that is, they have a relatively low calorie count compared to other non-fruit foods. Second, research has shown that eating a high-fiber diet (calorie intake being equal) promotes postmeal "satiety", leaving subjects feeling fuller for longer. And finally, research has also established that eating a high-fiber diet decreases total calorie intake, thus contributing to weight loss." (Source: Nutrition 19: 253-256, 2003
Peso Saudável
Uma maçã com casca é rica em fibras. Entre as múltiplas acções das fibras alimentares no organismo, é de salientar:
- a promoção da saciedade, pela espécie de gel que forma no estômago, prevenindo a ingestão exagerada de alimentos;
- a ajuda no bom funcionamento intestinal, evitando a obstipação (prisão de ventre).